Okay, I put that Tentative there in the post where I said goodbye for a very specific reason- I knew that if I could, I might be able to restart the blog. I don't expect you all to come flooding back- I've been a bad sim blogger.
I know I don't deserve this, but I'd really like to try again. My only defense is that I went through a lot of crap to get here. Set up a wordpress, re-copy all the posts, actually UNDERSTAND how this website works (this took a pathetically long time) get Doodledog's unscratched disc so I could reinstall all my EP's and base game, find the correct CC so I could remake everyone... I almost went to tears trying to find Harley Seraphine again, as Starsarah quit the simming business and took off the links to her sims. But here we are, and we can turn over a new leaf and go leaf-surfing on the cooling breeze of beautiful graphics and non-crappieness.
I am happy to announce that, thanks to your comments, Doodledog's disc and perseverance, and my... for once non-failingness, that the Angelin' legacy is once again back in business, and I have experienced many terrible things on the computer that have made me wiser to solving my simming and blogging problems.
Now, there are a few flukes: Angel Falls no longer exists, for one. The link to download it no longer works, and I can only assume it's because Starsarah took it down, so I'll be... improvising for the next generation and a half. Most of the CC I had is gone, including Ezela's hair (the one in the post where she wears the blue turtleneck). If anyone finds it, please tell me, I like it much better. I will also be slowly replacing the old posts of bald sims and yellow skies with beautiful graphic ones, because I am a total perfectionist.
Thanks so much if you decided to stick with me, and here's the link to this blog's new home- the new post is already up!!!