Okay everybody, this is gonna be LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG. Better get me a soapbox or something.
Ezela whirled around to face the picture. Had it really spoken to her? But no, it remained as silent and still as ever. With a thumping heart she realised someone else was in the house with her. "Wh-who's there?"she yelled into the echoey house. "There is no need to be apprehensive." said the voice. It was a male voice. Ezela turned to see a man stepping out from the corner nearest to the door.
He was probably only in his forties, but it was obvious that he had aged quickly and badly. His hair was completely gray, except for his darker sideburns.Wrinkles creased his face like hardened lines, and he looked like his face would crack if he smiled. Indeed, it looked as if he hadn't smiled in a long time. He wore a neat gray suit, and a pair of shades so dark, Ezela wondered how he could see through them.
Hesitantly, Ezela sat down and immediately regretted taking the couch, as she could still feel the woman's unwavering glare burning into the back of her skull.
"You would have made this much easier on yourself if you had followed the directions like you were supposed to." he continued. Ezela blushed in shame, but caught herself. Who was this strange man anyway, and what right did he have to question her? "Who are you." she asked again, but this time, it was more of a statement than a question.
There was another silence, as if the man was trying to decide how to phrase his answer. "I suppose I must start at the beginning before I tell you exactly who I am." he finally answered. "Like it said in the letter you received, you are the heir of the Angelin's. As you learned in the brochure, this island's discover was discovered by your ancestor. He proceeded to own half of the island, as British settlers eventually claimed the other half. For over a hundred more years, the two sides secretly warred against each other over everything- water, game, materials. Even in the eighties, although these old riffs were no longer mattered, the townspeople still had a grudge against one another. Often, people from the opposite sides participated in gang wars." The man paused, as if he just didn't particularly like talking in general, and was preparing himself for a long speech he had to make."Almost twenty years ago, an eighties movie star, from the French side, became all the rage. Everyone loved her, French and British sides alike. She was beautiful, charismatic, and very easy to like. She charmed her way into the hearts of millions, not just the islanders. That's her, right there." the man said, nodding in the direction of Ezela. She nearly jumped out of her skin, expecting to see the hauntingly beautiful woman lurking in the shadows, but he was looking in the direction of the photo, his face expressionless. "This was her house." he continued, his voice as expressionless as his face.
The man continued. "She was at the peak of her career. She had fans all across the globe, and the islanders were extremely proud of her, and worshiped her almost like a deity. She's the one who really put Angel Falls on the map, and made it a huge tourist attraction."
"She hadn't disappeared, though. She remained isolated from society in her house, which was very unlike her, restless spirit that she was. She needed socialisation. It was so sudden that accusations and rumors began to fly around that she had been murdered. It was just so spontaneous, with no visible reason. No one knew why her successful career had been halted. No one knew the truth of it."
"The truth?" Ezela whispered, breathless. She had a feeling that she knew what the truth was, but she wanted to hear someone else actually say it, confirm it.
The breath seemed to leave Ezela's lungs. It was so quiet, she would have heard her own heart beat if it hadn't just stopped in shock. She needed to stop. To breathe. To take it in. To understand. But after a while the man continued.
It wasn't acceptable to get pregnant before marriage in those days. It just didn't happen. Even if it wasn't frowned upon, Ms. Angelin' would have still been unhappy. I believe the last thing she would have wanted was to be tied down, to become a common housewife. She wanted to be free, party every night, come and go as she pleased."
"And that's why she gave me up." Ezela stated flatly.
"Eventually I suspect withdrawing that much from society got to her."
"In her eighth month of pregnancy, she eventually headed out in disguise
to one of the seediest clubs in Angel Falls."
"She went up to the bartender and demanded a cocktail, but he was a decent man as it turns out and refused to give it to her."
"This is were she snapped. We're guessing the strain and stress of her pregnancy and shame got to her, and she began to scream at the bartender, at first demanding her drink, but eventually just screaming nonsense words to him, until she wasn't even screaming to him at all, but to herself.
Her nervous breakdown got her so physically stressed as well, that she sent herself into premature labor."
Before anyone could realise what had happened, she bolted out the door and drove away dangerously in her car.
She was in a serious accident five minutes later. The person she rear ended was killed immediately upon impact, while she was sent into a coma. The ambulance came for her, and she died as soon as you were born."
"Everyone was alerted of her death, but your birth was not, as she had plainly stated it would be in her will. Within her will, the lawyers were instructed to send you far away from Angel Falls. They gave you, along with a very small bonus and a tiny house to a recently sacked Law intern. They sent different government social workers to take care of you over the years. When care was no longer required, you faded into the woodwork next to all those "international disasters." When you were old enough to support yourself, you were forgotten altogether."
Ezela swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump in her throat and gain control over herself. "So.... why now? Why remember me now? How do you know all this? Does anyone else know about this?" She had meant to say it in a demanding voice, but it came out as a whisper.
Ezela's mouth went dry. "Birthright?" "Yes. The museum's profits, this house, the island."
"What?" Ezela would stumbled although she was sitting down. "The island???"
The man just sat there, as if they were discussing the weather. "Turns out, Ms. Angelin' owned quite a lot of the island in the end, as the original owners loved her and gave it to her for next to nothing. When she died, many more even gave land to her as a tribute. In the end, yes, she bought the entire island. That is also something Dasilva wants. But since he was specifically mentioned in her will- she urged him to take only-" he took a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and read, "'-the hideous bust of Sylvester Stallone that he gave me last Christmas and don't you dare take anything else, Dasilva!', he has no rights to any of her personal possessions. She did not specify who would get her immense fortune, but made it clear she did not want Dasilva to have it. Since you are her only blood relative left, it automatically goes to you."
"As for who I am, I have been assigned to you as an advisor of sorts, in finance and law, among other things. For now, you may call me..." he seemed to be wondering what name to give her. "Mr. Paul."
Ezela took deep breaths, stood up shakily, and walked over to him.
"What do you mean? I mean, I know what you mean, but how do you know that I'm her daughter for sure? And- how can I-"
"Trust me?" Mr. Paul finished. He handed her the paper he had read from. "Is this real enough?" he asked softly, handing it to her. Quietly, Ezela read it.
The court hereby decrees that Ezela Angelin' come to court on October 19th, 2001, to verify her parentage to Irene Angelin' and inherit-
She stopped reading and closed her eyes to soak it in. But instead of satisfaction, she felt only pain. "What about my father. Did he know about me?" she asked her voice cracking. There was a long pause. "No." Mr. Paul said, the emotion in his voice hard to read. Ezela opened her eyes. "Why didn't the government give me over to him when I was born?" Mr. Paul looked up at her. "Ezela," he said. It was the first time he had spoken her name the entire time they had been talking. "No one knows who your father is."
Ezela reared back again. "But- but Dasilva-" she choked. "He is not your father." Mr. Paul stated.
Ezela took deep breaths. How could he be so sure if they hadn't done any DNA testing yet? There was still hope. Who else could be her father?
She swallowed and continued talking, trying to be casual.
"So... what happens now? Where do I....?" Ezela trailed off, unable to actually say that she was homeless.
Mr. Paul looked at her- or at least she thought that he looked at her , it was impossible to tell through his dark glasses- and replied, "Don't you remember? This house, among other things, is yours. This is your home now."
"But-" Ezela stuttered. "b-but it hasn't even been confirmed-" "I have spoken with the court and they have decided to let you stay here, at least for the time being. The case is already fairly decided, they have most of the paperwork confirming your parentage. You coming to court is just a precautionary thing."
Ezela took another deep breath and secretly pinched herself. When she opened her eyes, she still saw Mr. Paul's stony face. This wasn't a dream. This was real. And she didn't know what to make of it yet.
Yayyyyyy!!!!! Longest update EVERRRRR!!! Does this make up for the long gap in between!? Did you like my car crash scene? I would have added some explosions to the picture but I'm too much of a computer dum-dum to figure it out. It took me HOURS to figure out how to make those black and white photos. Phew! I've been typing for HOURS. Ever since I posted the last one! I haven't even gotten up to eat or go to the bathroom. (Don't drink that. It may appear to be Mt. Dew, but its not, trust me.) I don't know if I have the energy to do a blooper thing. But I promised, so here ya go:
BLOOPER REEL!!!! WHEEEE!!! (+ some funny things that happened.)
Yeah, this is just one of the millions of times I scared Ezela. I felt so bad, I thought I should bring Skull-Shirt Guy to justice (he's the one who scared every time.) .... WhA-at? He wanted to do it!
This ^^ is just here to show you what I go through EVERY TIME I ENTER CAS. Yeah, love your game now, don't you Sim bloggers. Well, you can burn and die for all I care appreciate your game more after seeing this picture.
Telekinesis toddler!
But what is so funny about this picture? you ask. It was in that lame chapter/teaser thing! Yeah, well I think its funny. Because I took so many pictures of it accidentally, that's how funny it is. Laugh. Now. YOU'RE NOT LAUGHING!!! *slaps*
Hey! Inna-PROPRIATE Buster! You're married to Bessie, you know!
Buster: Who?
This is Buster Clavell and a young Yumi Sekemoto liking eachother too much. In public! For SHAME! (ps I was just cruising along Sunset Valley and saw THIS. I WAS NOT CONTROLLING THEM.)
No, Mr. Paul is not slapping her. Skull shirt guy is. INVISA-SLAP!!!! He decided to do this when I moved-objects him. STUPID SIMS!!! As punishment, I erased him my game crashed because its stupid and glitchy die you people with glitchless games.
This was when I was trying to burn the house. JUST when I had gotten all the firemen away, THIS MAID puts out the fire! No! No! I NEED BURNED HOUSE. I fired her of course, for going above and beyond the call of duty. *grumbles* Stupid sim-maids, I thought you guys were supposed to have lame service, not try to save my sim's lives!!!!
Irene: "Oh, booh-hoo-hoo, my beautiful house is getting destroyed and you're gonna kill me off."
Shut up in a couple minutes the burns will be completely gone, darn it.
Irene: "This'll learn you to plot against ME.
What- NO! STOP IRENE! I thought I had free will turned off! STOP IT!!!!
Irene: "MWAHAHA!!!
Ugh. Evil trait acting up.
Irene: "No, don't burn!"
Frollo: I FEEL HER! I SEE HER! THE SUN CAUGHT IN HER RAYVEN HAIR, IS BLAAAZING TO WITHOUT ALL CONTROL. LIKE FIYAH! DARK FIYAH!!! This fiyah in my skiinn. This bur-ning. De-si-yuh. Is turning me- to- SIN!
(If you don't know what this song is, you need to watch Hunchback of Notre Dame before I sic Irene on you.)
Irene: Yes!!!! Blooooooooooooood!!!!
Oi. *winces*
This is the blank stare of a Sim who's elderly wife was just turned young and hot again because I'm nice. UNGRATEFUL!
There are so many things wrong with Sunset Valley. I was just going around, much like I was with Buster and Yumi, when I saw this! And see the girl next to him? She was in the nude 3 secs before I took this pic but I didn't catch it in time. O.o I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT THEY COULD DO THAT ON THEIR OWN.
Darlene Bunch: Mmmmm... niiiice....
No! This blooper reel is inappropriate enough! Your only a teen! Go away!
Foxy pregnant lady.
Burned Mr. Paul: *barfs*
Well that's rude!
....... *shivers* Don't you hate it when Sims look directly into the camera? Go away Irene!
I love this pic. She's freaking out cuz of the fire, and he's freaking out because she's in labor.
Did you know you could have midgets in Sims 3? Yeah, me neither.
............................... okay, that's really disturbing. On many different levels.
Two army ladies in one spot! Talking to each other! Far away from the military base! They aren't in the same household! I think its funny. ...you don't? *stabs with fork* IT WOULD HAVE BEEN FUNNY IF YOU WERE THE ONE PLAYING!!! NOW SHADDUP AND LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT! ;__;
Did you guys how bad the Car accident was? This bad. She was impaled onto her own car.
............seriously, what is she looking at?(She literally stared there without moving for 3 Sim hours. It was very unnerving. There was nothing over there.)
So, yeah, that was the blooper real that was as long as the post itself. Please make predictions of what you think is gonna happen in the comments and feel free to ask questions! Bye!
Wooow, that was real long! I loved the bloopers :D
ReplyDeleteI think Ezela is going to meet a man and have a baby with him :) (okay that's a very unoriginal guess because this is a legacy and it has to happen sometime but suush I'm the first one to comment on this post so I can guess as many unoriginal guesses as I want to!!!)
Yes! Yes! Comment as much as you want! I do spaz-happy dance in the kitchen each time someone leaves a long comment! Please guess MOAR! I especially love when you guess on thing that the blog gives you! Like I think that Dasilva dude *BLANK* her dad, or simply, I think the court case is gonna go *BLANK*, OR I think Mr. Paul *BLANK* lying. :) Hehe.... as many comments as you want!!!! Since DOODLEDOG hasn't even COMMENTED yet. >:(
ReplyDeleteGeez, Doodledog! Not very nice, ma'am.
ReplyDeleteAmazing post. Here goes.
I think that Dasilva dude isn't her dad, but that same guy under a different identity.
I think the court case is "gonna" go badly.
I think Mr. Paul is lying.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteOkay the only reason I deleted Doodledog's comment was because I told her most of the plot and she gave away my big moment that wass gonna be all, BAM!!!!!!! WEREN'T EXPECTING THAT HUH???? So, sorry Doodledog, but it was my momeeeeeeeeeeeeeent. I hope no one read it yet. O.O THAT WOULD BE SAD!
ReplyDeleteSo yeah, she basically didn't comment soon becauseher internet wasn't working. AND SAD NEWS!!! My laptop isn't working! It won't start! ;( AAAAUGHHHHTWOWHOLEDAYSWITHOUTSIMSI'MGONNADIIIIIE!!!!!!!!!! But we're going to the apple store tommorow. <:( Wish me luck!!!!
(ps I made up a new emoticon:
:(. Teenager with a zit.
.:(: Teenager with a breakout.
Good luck!
ReplyDeleteYou... told me that? Oh. BUT HEY, REMEMBER, I GUESSED THE PART ABOUT MR. PAUL! SO THEEEEEEEEEEEEERE! You told me, but before you did, I was all, is he.... and you were all, "Yeah..." SO THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!
OH! And everyone, you know in the blooper reel where she has he picture of the ear? I CAN COMFIRM THAT SHE DID KEEP TAKING PICTURES OF IT. I happened to be over at her house at that moment, while she was getting the picture, and I asked, "Why are you taking so many pictures of her ear?" She replied, "It's not making the sound!" Um... yeah, it does that sometimes. So I said, "Watch, now you're going to have a ton of pictures of Ezela's ear. So we looked, and SURE ENOUGH, there were about TEN OR FIFTEEN PICTURES OF EZELA'S EAR.
... soyeah.
I ALSO was leading up to it and heavily hinting it, unlike I do in my blog. And it turns out I can only make an apointment for the Apple Store today, so I'll have to wait even MORE. *dies from computer withdrawel* DO YOU KNOW HOW SLOW THE COMPUTER IN THE KITCHEN IS??? It took me twenty minutes to check all my emails. >:(
ReplyDeleteMore. Ther were thirty-one pictures of her ear. I counted because I was bored.
I don't think Mr. Paul is really called Mr. Paul. I think he's really... HER FATHER. dumdumdum.
ReplyDeleteI'm intrigued as to what Doodledog said now, I hate spoilers but, at the same time, I love them. =']
Loved the bloopers! What the hell was going on with that glitchy midget Sim? Haha. And Skull-Shirt Guy needs to be implemented into the story! He'd be awesome. =P
Actually, Skull-Shirt Guy was created to be in the story in the first place! You'll see him in a little while.
ReplyDeleteThe glitchy midget.... well, I grew a toddler up too fast. Thats what happens when you force a kid to become an adult too fast, right? They are messed up. I guess its more literall with the sims 3. I corrected the glitch by shift clicking on the midget and forcing them to age up again. The glitch has happened to me at least six times.
That happened to me before. It was my sim's birthday from child to teen, and she became a midget! And I shift clicked on her to age up, and she did the celebration but nothing happened! No sparkles or anything!
ReplyDeleteTell us when you're going to the Apple Store, and what's wrong with your computer!
OKAY! Hey guys! Good news! The next time I'm on here, hopefully it will be from my own computer! I'm going to the apple store today. Cross your fingers everybody! Toes too!