Sunday, May 1, 2011


Alright, I have been wanting to do a sims 3 blog since.... well for-ev-er. Okay, a long long time. Unfortunately, my game..... has problems that make the graphics..... bad. And I was like, who would want to look at a blog with cruddy pictures like that? But... at the push of my friends *cough* DOODLEDOG *cough* and my own desire to start a blog, here I am. However, I am warning you in advance, that these pics are full of glitchieness that is a huge eyesore and gets in the way of the realness of the story. I mean, REALLY in the way.

 Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to exhibit A:

 Glitch number 1. BALD SIMS. HUGE PROBLEM. BIGGEST PROBLEM. All. Of m sims. Are balding. However, as you will see in later pictures, some hairstyles make the sim look like he/she has SOME hair, others, completely bald like the one above. Also, sometimes the sims have a transparent filmy blocky shape of what their hair is supposed to look like around their heads at times. However, if I zoom way out on a sim, you can see their hair, but their face and body are blocky and unloaded looking. I. LOATH IT.

Exhibit B:
Notice anything wrong with the sky in the back round? Hint: Its not supposed to be that color. It happens with water to, it glitters yellowy and unnaturalish from time to time:

Third glitch which I don't have a picture for: apparently, all my sims are vampires, even though I don't have Late Night yet. THE MIRRORS HAVE NO REFLECTION. Sometimes they are weird and
facet-y and other times they are ALL GRAY.

Fourth Glitch that will not effect the blog as much but still very annoying: When I go into create a sim or edit a sim, my sim is all black. And I'm not talking african-american, but, black black, so I can't see what their face looks like or their clothes, I kinda have to guess. However, their eyes are colored, as is their hair (unlike in the game itself) so, each beautiful sim you see, it took me EXTRA long to create them, so you should be proud of me.

.......... still there? Okay, enough ranting about glitches. Now to actually explaining this legacy: I planned many of these generations in advance and I realized some one dies in almost every single generation, whether they be in the family or not. So, I have made a new kind of legacy: a Deathacy. AT LEAST one character will die each generation.... except for five. The fun part is, I won't tell which generations those five are! So you will sit there, gnawing your fingernails, wondering if your favorite sim will be the one to die, or if no one will die at all. Doesn't that sound like fun???

Read on if you dare. I will PROVE to Doodledog that no one will like my blog, despite my writing expertise. NO ONE will comment or follow this blog unless they already know me.


But I dare you all to prove me wrong. ;)




  2. A Deathacy, sounds exciting. Nerve-wracking. Seems awesome. What two birds are you killing with one stone?

  3. Cool! I've never seen a Deathacy before! Can't wait to read it all!
    P.S. Not trying to get free advertising or something, but please visit! Thanks!
